
Member Roster

Senate Members:
To email your legislator, click the link in the email column.
LegislatorDistrictPartyEmail @azleg.govRoomPhone
Lela Alston -- Minority Caucus Chair5DEmail: LALSTONRoom 315(602) 926-5829
Hildy Angius30REmail: HANGIUSRoom 302(602) 926-5051
Shawnna Bolick2REmail: SBOLICKRoom 307(602) 926-3314
Flavio Bravo -- Assistant Minority Leader26DEmail: FBRAVORoom 213(602) 926-4033
Eva Burch9DResigned 03/14/25
Frank Carroll -- Majority Whip28REmail: FCARROLLRoom 212(602) 926-3249
Eva Diaz22DEmail: EVA.DIAZRoom 313(602) 926-3473
Timothy "Tim" Dunn25REmail: TDUNNRoom 310(602) 926-4139
Denise “Mitzi” Epstein12DEmail: MEPSTEINRoom 315(602) 926-4870
David C. Farnsworth10REmail: DFARNSWORTHRoom 303(602) 926-3387
Brian Fernandez23DEmail: BFERNANDEZRoom 312(602) 926-3098
Mark Finchem1REmail: MFINCHEMRoom 304(602) 926-3631
Rosanna Gabaldón -- Minority Whip21DEmail: RGABALDONRoom 305(602) 926-3424
Sally Ann Gonzales20DEmail: SGONZALESRoom 314(602) 926-3278
David Gowan19REmail: DGOWANRoom 300(602) 926-5154
Theresa Hatathlie6DEmail: THATATHLIERoom 311(602) 926-5160
Jake Hoffman15REmail: JAKE.HOFFMANRoom 306(602) 926-3292
John Kavanagh3REmail: JKAVANAGHRoom 200(602) 926-5170
Lauren Kuby8DEmail: LKUBYRoom 311(602) 926-4124
Venden "Vince" Leach17REmail: VLEACHRoom 303(602) 926-3694
J.D. Mesnard13REmail: JMESNARDRoom 309(602) 926-4481
Catherine Miranda11DEmail: CMIRANDARoom 313(602) 926-3413
Analise Ortiz24DEmail: ANALISE.ORTIZRoom 308(602) 926-3633
Kevin Payne27REmail: KPAYNERoom 302(602) 926-4854
Warren Petersen -- President14REmail: WPETERSENRoom 205(602) 926-4136
Wendy Rogers7REmail: WROGERSRoom 304(602) 926-3042
Janae Shamp -- Majority Leader29REmail: JSHAMPRoom 212(602) 926-3499
Thomas "T.J." Shope -- President Pro Tempore16REmail: TSHOPERoom 212(602) 926-3012
Priya Sundareshan -- Minority Leader18DEmail: PSUNDARESHANRoom 213(602) 926-3437
Carine Werner4REmail: CWERNERRoom 301(602) 926-3673