11-137. Election on formation of new counties

A. The secretary of state shall call a special election in the affected county or counties for the approval or disapproval of the proposed new county or counties. The election shall be held on the eighth Tuesday following the issuance of the commission's report under section 11-136, subsection F, except that an election shall not be held between January 1 and the general election date in a year in which the president of the United States is elected.

B. The notice of the election shall:

1. State that the proposal is to establish:

(a) A new county or counties according to the determination of and terms and conditions prescribed by the commission in its report.

(b) A county distribution board to determine and accomplish the division of and payment for the property of the affected county or counties as provided in section 11-143.

2. State the boundaries of the proposed county or counties.

3. State that, if the proposed county or counties are approved, the county names and county seats will be determined pursuant to section 11-141 and that county officers will be chosen at the next regular primary and general elections for county officers pursuant to section 11-140.

4. Designate the date of the election.

5. Designate the election precincts and places where the polls will be open as established by the board of supervisors of each affected county and the secretary of state under subsection G of this section.

6. Name the election officers of the several precincts.

C. The notice of the election shall be published at least twice in a newspaper of general circulation in each of the affected counties.

D. The secretary of state shall cause to be printed and at least ten days before the election shall mail to each registered voter household in each affected county a publicity pamphlet containing the notice of election prescribed by this section, a sample election ballot and the summary of the commission's report prepared pursuant to section 11-136, subsection F. Not later than forty days before the election a person may file with the secretary of state an argument, not exceeding two hundred words in length, advocating or opposing the formation of the proposed new county or counties. Each argument must be signed by the person, or the officers of the organization, sponsoring it and accompanied by a fee of two hundred dollars. The person or persons signing the argument shall identify themselves by giving their residence or post office address. The publicity pamphlet shall include each argument so filed.

E. The ballot shall state "Shall new counties be established from existing __________ (county or counties) as prescribed in the report of the county formation commission, including the establishment of a distribution board to estimate taxes to be levied for the distribution of county assets, liabilities and records?" followed by spaces designated "yes" and "no" in which the voter may indicate his vote for or against the proposition.  Except as otherwise provided and as far as practicable, the secretary of state shall conduct the election and canvass the returns in the same manner as general elections. If there is only one affected county and as is otherwise practicable, the secretary of state may delegate election responsibilities under this section as he deems appropriate to the board of supervisors.

F. Registered voters are entitled to vote in the election. Any person eligible to register who is not registered may register with the county recorder up to twenty-nine days before the election.

G. If necessary for purposes of the election, the secretary of state may order the board of supervisors of an affected county to change the boundaries of election precincts in its county to conform to the boundary between proposed counties. If the precinct boundaries are changed, the secretary of state shall notify the attorney general to initiate proceedings to determine compliance with applicable federal laws under section 11-139, and the election date may be postponed accordingly.

H. On the second Monday following the election the secretary of state shall canvass the returns. The proposition to form the new counties is approved only if a majority of the votes cast in each proposed new county favors the proposition.

I. The secretary of state shall immediately make an order declaring the result and transmit copies of the order to the clerk of the board of supervisors of each affected county, the governor, the attorney general, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and each legislator whose district is in an affected county.