11-475.01. Document storage and retrieval conversion and maintenance fund; purpose

A. The document storage and retrieval conversion and maintenance fund is established in each county consisting of monies received pursuant to subsection C of this section.

B. The board of supervisors shall administer the fund and, in cooperation with the county recorder, expend monies in the fund in order to defray the cost of converting the county recorder's document storage and retrieval system to micrographics or computer automation. Monies in the fund may only be used for purchasing hardware and software, training employees to operate the system, maintaining the system, purchasing equipment maintenance agreements and updating the system hardware or software for the county recorder's office. Monies in the fund shall not be expended for expenses other than for the support of the county recorder's automation system. If the expenditures are determined by the auditor general to be improper and inconsistent with this section, the county general fund shall reimburse the document storage and retrieval conversion and maintenance fund for all improper and inconsistent expenditures.

C. In addition to any other fee charged pursuant to this article, the board of supervisors may assess a special recording surcharge of not to exceed four dollars for each instrument, paper or notice filed with the county recorder. All monies received pursuant to this subsection shall be transmitted to the county treasurer and placed in the document storage and retrieval conversion and maintenance fund.

D. The special recording surcharge prescribed in subsection C of this section is included in the amount charged pursuant to section 11-475, subsection A.

E. The county recorder shall annually submit to the board of supervisors the amount of projected revenues to be raised for the document storage and retrieval conversion and maintenance fund pursuant to this section. If projected revenues of the fund are deemed insufficient to pay for conversion costs, fund monies may accumulate until sufficient monies are available in the fund.