11-621. Payments from treasury on demand; exception; duty of auditor general; payment of loss; alternative procedure

A. A payment exceeding five hundred dollars may be made from the treasury of the county upon demand duly presented and allowed, but compensation due to jurors and witnesses and official salaries shall be paid without presentation of a claim.

B. A demand is not required to authorize payment if all other required documentation as prescribed in the uniform system of bookkeeping for counties is maintained to support the payment.

C. No demand shall be necessary for the board of supervisors to draw warrants upon the county treasury in amounts not exceeding five hundred dollars for the purpose of paying for goods and services costing five hundred dollars or less. The auditor general shall prescribe the manner in which the warrants described in this subsection shall be drawn and issued.  Any loss arising out of the issuance of a warrant drawn and issued in the manner prescribed by the auditor general shall be a county charge.