12-120.24. Rehearing review by supreme court; issuance of mandate

A party against whom a decision has been rendered or against whom a motion for dismissal of the action has been granted in the court of appeals may file in such court a motion for rehearing after the rendition of the decision or order of dismissal, setting forth with particularity the reasons why he believes the decision or order of dismissal erroneous. The opposite party may file his response to such motion. If the motion is denied, and the party against whom the decision or order has been rendered desires a further review by the supreme court, he shall serve upon the opposite party and file with the clerk of the division a statement that he desires such review. The clerk of the division shall thereupon transmit the record in the case to the clerk of the supreme court. The supreme court shall either grant or deny the request for review. No further briefs or oral argument shall be filed or had unless the supreme court so directs. If no request for review by the supreme court has been filed, or upon the receipt from the clerk of the supreme court of notification that the request for review has been denied, the clerk of the division shall, if the matter has been decided by formal opinion, issue the mandate of the court of appeals, if no written formal opinion has been rendered then by certified copy of the order of the court.