13-2413. Interfering with a crime scene investigation; classification; definition

A. A person commits interfering with a crime scene investigation if the person knowingly disobeys a peace officer's reasonable verbal order to remain off the premises of a possible crime scene or otherwise interferes with a peace officer's crime scene investigation.

B. This section does not prevent a person from peaceably observing a police proceeding if the person does not interfere with or obstruct the peace officer's crime scene investigation.

C. Interfering with a crime scene investigation is a class 2 misdemeanor.

D. For the purposes of this section, "crime scene" means an area where a crime has possibly occurred and a peace officer who is on-site has determined that it is necessary to restrict the public's access to the area until any potential evidence of the crime at the scene is identified and preserved, victims and suspects are identified and, if necessary, any emergency medical care and ambulance transportation is requested.