14-1102. Purposes; rule of construction

A. This title shall be liberally construed and applied to promote its underlying purposes and policies.

B. The underlying purposes and policies of this title are:

1. To simplify and clarify the law concerning the affairs of decedents, missing persons, protected persons, minors and incapacitated persons.

2. To discover and make effective the intent of a decedent in distribution of his property.

3. To promote a speedy and efficient system for liquidating the estate of the decedent and making distribution to his successors.

4. To promote a speedy, efficient and inexpensive system for resolving disputes under chapter 5 of this title while ensuring that the due process and other constitutional rights of the persons subject to such proceedings are protected.

5. To provide just and appropriate remedies for parties who incur damages as the result of vexatious conduct, as defined by court rule, or other unreasonable conduct, during proceedings brought pursuant to this title, without impinging on the rights of individuals who are the subject of proceedings under chapter 5 of this title.

6. To facilitate use and enforcement of certain trusts.

7. To make uniform the law among the various jurisdictions.