15-429. Election of governing board members of a joint common school district

A. A joint common school district shall be governed by a board of five members, one of whom shall reside in and be elected from each of the counties comprising the district and the remaining number shall reside in the district and be elected at large unless the district has implemented an alternative election system as provided in section 15-431. Within ten days after the creation of the joint common school district, the county school superintendent of the jurisdictional county, after notifying the county school superintendent of any other county whose territory, or a portion thereof, is in the new district, shall call a special election, which shall be held within twenty days after the issuance of such call, to elect a governing board for the joint common school district. The polling places for the election shall be located in each county of the district. The election shall be conducted as provided by law for other school districts, except that the members first elected shall serve until January 1 following the next general election. At the general election held next following the special election, and thereafter, the members shall be elected as prescribed for five member boards in sections 15-424 and 15-427.

B. The county school superintendent shall call the first meeting of the newly formed governing board within ten days after its election. Each member shall be given five days' written notice in advance of the meeting. The meeting shall be held at a location convenient to all members. Business shall be conducted as provided by law for the conduct of school districts.