15-756.03. English language learner budget requests; requirements

A. If a school district or charter school qualifies to submit a budget request based on the form prescribed in section 15-756.01, subsection J, the school district or charter school shall submit an English language learner budget request on a school-by-school basis. The budget request shall be for a specific amount of supplemental monies from the Arizona English language learner fund established by section 15-756.04.

B. Each school district or charter school English language learner budget request shall include the signature of the superintendent of the school district and the chief financial officer of the school district or the principal of the charter school and the chief financial officer of the charter school. The signature certifies that the information in the budget request is true to the best of that person's knowledge and has been calculated in accordance with the form prescribed in section 15-756.01, subsection J and that monies from the Arizona English language learner fund established by section 15-756.04 will not be used to supplant any federal, state or local monies, including desegregation monies levied pursuant to section 15-910, used for English language learners that were budgeted for English language learners as of February 23, 2006.

C. Each school district and charter school that submits an English language learner budget request shall submit the budget request to the department of education annually on or before September 15. The department shall verify the budget request of each school district and charter school for accuracy and compliance with the form prescribed in section 15-756.01, subsection J.  The department shall collect all school district and charter school budget requests and submit them to the legislature for funding from the Arizona English language learner fund established by section 15-756.04 at the same time as the department's budget request.