15-1231. Career and technical education projects fund; use of monies; requirements

A. The governing board of a school district may establish a permanent career and technical education projects fund in an amount of not more than $100,000.  The fund consists of proceeds from the sale of items produced or services provided by career and technical education programs. Monies in the fund may be used for any of the following purposes:

1. Purchasing materials for use by career and technical education pupils in an instructional program that produces a product or provides a service that may be sold by the school district.

2. Purchasing equipment or services for use by career and technical education pupils in an instructional program that produces a product or provides a service that may be sold by the school district.

3. Paying expenses directly related to planning and designing career and technical education program products or services.

4. Paying expenses related to an approved department of education career and technical student organization, including costs associated with events, conferences or competitions.

B. Monies in the career and technical education projects fund may not be used to pay salaries, wages or employee fringe benefits.

C. All purchases made from the career and technical education projects fund must comply with chapter 2, article 1 of this title, including all provisions relating to procurement practices.

D. The career and technical education projects fund of a school district is a continuing fund, and monies in the career and technical education projects fund are not subject to reversion, except that all monies in the career and technical education projects fund that exceed $100,000 at the end of the fiscal year revert to the school maintenance and operation fund.