16-1011. Counterfeiting election returns; violation; classification

A. A person who knowingly forges or counterfeits returns of an election purporting to have been held at a precinct or place where no election was in fact held, or who knowingly substitutes, forges or counterfeits returns of election instead of the true returns for a precinct or place where an election was actually held, is guilty of a class 3 felony.

B. A person who knowingly substitutes, forges, counterfeits or tampers with ballot tabulations or totals or election results by electronic means or through the use of a computer, machine or other device is guilty of a class 3 felony.  This subsection does not apply to the casting or tallying of ballots as provided by law or to the substitution or duplication of ballots as prescribed by sections 16-573, 16-574 and 16-621.

C. Notwithstanding sections 13-907 and 13-908, a person who is convicted under this section shall not be automatically restored the right to vote.