17-345. Surcharges; purposes

In addition to any other fees, the commission may impose and collect:

1. A surcharge on a license, permit, tag and stamp as the commission prescribes by rule. Monies collected pursuant to this paragraph shall be segregated from other fees and deposited in the conservation development fund.

2. Surcharges on Arizona-Colorado river special use permits, California-Colorado river special use permits and Nevada-Colorado river special use permits issued in this state as provided by sections 17-342, 17-343 and 17-344.  The amount of the surcharges shall be determined by the commission.  A surcharge under this paragraph is to be used solely for the purpose of the lower Colorado river multispecies conservation program under section 48-3713.03.  Any monies collected pursuant to this paragraph shall be segregated from other revenues and deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in a fund designated as the Colorado river special use permit clearing account.  Each month, on notification by the department, the state treasurer shall pay all of the monies in the clearing account to an account designated by a multi-county county water conservation district established under title 48, chapter 22 to be used solely for the lower Colorado river multispecies conservation program and for no other purpose.