17-361. Trappers; licensing; restrictions; duties; reports

A. The holder of a trapping license, may trap predatory, nongame, and fur-bearing mammals under such restrictions as the commission may specify.

B. All traps shall be plainly identified with the name, address, or registered number of the owner, and such markings of identification shall be filed with the department. All traps in use shall be inspected daily.

C. It shall be unlawful for a person to disturb the trap of another unless authorized to do so by the owner.

D. Pursuant to rules and regulations of the commission, each trapping licensee shall, on dates designated by the commission, submit on forms provided by the department, a legible report of the number of each kind of predatory, nongame and fur-bearing mammal taken and the names and addresses of the persons to whom they were shipped or sold or the wildlife management units where the animals were taken.