17-362. Guide license; violations; annual report

A. A person shall not act as a guide without first satisfying the director of the person's qualifications and without having procured a guide license. A person who is under eighteen years of age shall not be issued a guide license.

B. If a licensed guide fails to comply with this title or is convicted of violating any provision of this title, in addition to any other penalty prescribed by this title:

1. For a first offense, the commission, after a public hearing, may revoke or suspend the guide license and deny the person the right to secure another license for a period of up to five years.

2. For a second offense, the commission, after a public hearing, may revoke or suspend the guide license and deny the person the right to secure another license for a period of up to ten years.

3. For a third offense, the commission, after a public hearing, may revoke or suspend the guide license and permanently deny the person the right to secure another license.

C. By January 10 of each year, or at the request of the commission, guides shall report to the department, on forms provided by the department, the name and address of each person guided, the number of days so employed and the number and species of game animals taken. A guide license shall not be issued to any person who has failed to deliver the report to the department for the preceding license year, or until meeting such requirements as the commission may prescribe.