17-371. Transportation, possession and sale of wildlife and wildlife parts

A. A person may transport in his possession his legally taken wildlife, or may authorize the transportation of his legally taken big game, provided such big game or any part thereof has attached thereto a valid transportation permit issued by the department.  Such wildlife shall be transported in such manner that it may be inspected by authorized persons upon demand until the wildlife is packaged or stored.  Species of wildlife, other than game species, may be transported in any manner unless otherwise specified by the commission.  A person possessing a valid license may transport lawfully taken wildlife other than big game given to him but in no event shall any person possess more than one bag or possession limit.

B. A holder of a resident license shall not transport from a point within to a point without the state any big game species or parts thereof without first having obtained a special permit issued by the department or its authorized agent.

C. Migratory birds may be possessed and transported in accordance with the migratory bird treaty act (40 Stat. 755; 16 United States Code sections 703 through 711) and regulations under that act.

D. A holder of a sport falconry license may transport one or more raptors that the person lawfully possesses under terms and conditions prescribed by the commission.  Regardless of whether a person holds a sport falconry license and as provided by section 17-236, subsection C, the person may transport for sport falconry purposes one or more raptors that are not listed pursuant to the migratory bird treaty act.

E. Heads, horns, antlers, hides, feet or skin of wildlife lawfully taken, or the treated or mounted specimens thereof, may be possessed, sold and transported at any time, except that migratory birds may be possessed and transported only in accordance with federal regulations.