18-504. Civil remedies; damages
A. In addition to any other remedies provided by law, the attorney general, or a computer software provider or a website or trademark owner who is adversely affected by a violation of this article, may bring an action against a person who violates this article to:
1. Enjoin further violations of this article.
2. Recover the greater of actual damages or one hundred thousand dollars for each separate violation of this article.
B. A single action or conduct that violates more than one paragraph of section 18-502, subsection A or B or at least one paragraph of section 18-502, subsection A and at least one paragraph of section 18-502, subsection B shall be considered multiple violations. The number of violations shall be based on the number of paragraphs violated.
C. In an action brought under this section, a court may:
1. Increase the damages up to three times the damages allowed by subsection A of this section if the defendant has engaged in a pattern and practice of violating this article.
2. Award costs and reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party.