20-3207. Conduct of examinations; examination reports; confidentiality

A. The director may investigate suspected fraudulent life settlement acts and persons engaged in the business of life settlements.

B. After determining that an examination should be conducted, the director shall issue an examination warrant appointing one or more examiners to perform the examination and instructing them as to the scope of the examination.  In conducting the examination, the examiner shall use methods common to the examination of any life settlement licensee and should use those guidelines and procedures set forth in an examiners' handbook adopted by a national organization.

C. Every licensee or person from whom information is sought and the officers, directors and agents of the licensee or person shall provide to the examiners timely, convenient and free access during reasonable hours at its offices to all examined licensee's books, records, accounts, papers, documents, assets and computer or other records relating to the property, assets, business and affairs.  The officers, directors, employees and agents of the licensee or person shall facilitate and aid in the examination.  The director may suspend, revoke or nonrenew a licensee's license or authority to engage in the life settlement business or other business that is subject to the director's jurisdiction if the licensee, by its officers, directors, employees or agents, fails to submit to an examination or to comply with any reasonable written request of the director.

D. The director may issue subpoenas, administer oaths and examine under oath any person as to any matter pertinent to the examination.  If a person fails or refuses to obey a subpoena, the director may petition a court of competent jurisdiction and, on proper showing, the court may enter an order compelling the witness to appear and testify or produce documentary evidence.

E. When making an examination under this chapter, the director may retain attorneys, appraisers, independent actuaries, independent certified public accountants or other professionals and specialists as examiners, the reasonable cost of which shall be borne by the licensee that is the subject of the examination.

F. The provisions of this section do not limit the director's authority to terminate or suspend an examination in order to pursue other legal or regulatory action pursuant to the insurance laws of this state. Findings of fact and conclusions made pursuant to any examination constitute prima facie evidence in any legal or regulatory action.

G. The provisions of this section do not limit the director's authority to use and, if appropriate, make public any final or preliminary examination report, any examiner or licensee work papers or other documents or any other information discovered or developed during the course of any examination in the furtherance of any legal or regulatory action that the director deems appropriate.

H. Examination reports shall include only the facts appearing on the licensee's books or from the testimony of the licensee's officers or agents or other persons examined concerning the licensee's affairs and the conclusions and recommendations the examiner finds reasonably warranted from the facts.

I. Within sixty days after the examination is completed, the examiner in charge shall file with the director a verified written report of examination under oath. On receipt of the verified report, the director shall transmit the report to the examined licensee together with a notice that gives the examined licensee a reasonable opportunity of not more than thirty days to make a written submission or rebuttal with respect to any matters contained in the examination report, and that shall become part of the report, or to request a hearing on any matter in dispute.

J. On finding that a person has violated this chapter or a rule adopted pursuant to this chapter, the director may issue an order directing that the person cease and desist from committing the violation.  On the issuance of an order to cease and desist, the person may request a hearing pursuant to section 20-161 and title 41, chapter 6, article 10.

K. The names and individual identification data for all owners, purchasers and insureds is confidential information and shall not be disclosed by the director unless the disclosure is to another regulator or is required by law. 

L. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, all examination reports, working papers, recorded information, documents and copies produced by, obtained by or disclosed to the director or any other person in the course of an examination made under this chapter, or in the course of an analysis or investigation by the director of the licensee's financial condition or market conduct are confidential and privileged and are not public records.  This information is not subject to subpoena or discovery and is not admissible in evidence in any private civil action.  The director is authorized to use the documents, materials or other information in the furtherance of any regulatory or legal action brought as part of the director's official duties.  The examined licensee may access all documents used to make the report.

M. All examination and examination related expenses shall be borne by the provider and shall be paid by the insurance examiners' revolving fund pursuant to section 20-159.