26-309. Mutual aid; responsibilities of agencies and officials; agreements; definition

A. The purposes of the provisions of this section are to facilitate the rendering of aid to persons or property in areas within the state stricken by an emergency and to make unnecessary the execution of written agreements in times of emergency. Any emergency plans duly adopted and approved satisfy the requirement for mutual aid agreements.

B. During an emergency, if any county, city, town, private water or wastewater utility or special taxing district requires outside aid, such aid may be rendered in accordance with approved emergency plans and mutual aid agreements.

C. The governor, on behalf of this state, may enter into reciprocal aid agreements or compacts, mutual aid plans or other interstate arrangements for the protection of life and property with other states and the federal government. Such mutual aid arrangements may include the furnishing or exchange on terms and conditions deemed necessary of supplies, equipment, facilities, personnel and services.

D. A county, city, town, private water or wastewater utility or special taxing district may enter into mutual aid agreements with other entities if the other entities provide water or wastewater services.  The mutual aid agreements shall address responding to emergencies that affect water and wastewater services and specify how the costs of the responding service provider will be reimbursed by the service provider that requests aid.

E. For the purposes of this section, "special taxing district" means any district formed pursuant to title 48, chapter 6, article 4 or chapter 14, article 1.