26-404. Deployment of private sector workers to affected states; liability protection; definition

A. Pursuant to the emergency management assistance compact authorized by the legislature in section 26-402, the governor of this state may deploy those officers, employees and members of a private entity or a registered and credentialed volunteer organization in this state who have volunteered to provide assistance to an affected state experiencing any emergency or disaster that is duly declared by the governor of the affected state.

B. Those officers, employees and members of a private entity or a registered and credentialed volunteer organization in this state who have volunteered to deploy under the emergency management assistance compact:

1. Are deemed emergency workers pursuant to section 26-314 when rendering aid to an affected state.

2. Are considered agents of the requesting state for tort liability and immunity purposes pursuant to article VI of the emergency management assistance compact authorized by section 26-402.

3. Are not liable for any act or omission in good faith while so engaged or on account of maintaining or using any equipment or supplies in connection with an emergency pursuant to article VI of the emergency management assistance compact authorized by section 26-402.

C. For the purposes of this section, "emergency worker" has the same meaning prescribed in section 26-301.