28-3171. Driver license expiration and renewal; exception; extension

A. Except as provided in subsection B, D or E of this section and unless medical restrictions require a shorter expiration period, a driver license is:

1. Except as provided in paragraph 3 of this subsection, valid until the applicant's sixty-fifth birthday.

2. Renewable for successive periods of five years after the applicant's sixtieth birthday.

3. Valid for a period of up to five years if initially issued to an applicant who is sixty years of age or older.

B. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, on presentation of satisfactory proof of qualification, the director may issue a class D, G or M license or permit for a period of up to five years to:

1. A person who is an out-of-state student or who is the spouse of an out-of-state student. For the purposes of this paragraph, "out-of-state student" has the same meaning prescribed in section 28-2001.

2. An immediate family member of any active duty military personnel temporarily stationed in this state.

3. Any other person for whom the director determines other circumstances justify the issuance.

C. An applicant shall apply for renewal of a driver license before the expiration of a current license. The department may require an examination of a renewal applicant for a class D, G or M license as required of an original applicant.

D. A veteran, as defined in section 41-601, whose driver license expires is not required to renew the veteran's driver license for six months after the date of the veteran's discharge from military service.

E. The department may extend the expiration date of a class D or M license for a resident if the applicant is not in this state at the time the license expires and will not be in this state for at least thirty consecutive days after the expiration of the driver license. On payment by the applicant of the fee prescribed in section 28-3002, the department shall issue a certificate of extension that is valid only if accompanied by the applicant's previous license. An applicant for extension of a license shall comply with the following:

1. The application requirements of section 28-3158.

2. The licensing requirements of section 28-3153.

3. Medical requirements applicable to all license applicants, except that the applicant is not required to obtain an eyesight examination.