28-5863. Single trip motor carrier fee trip permit; fee; expiration

A. There is imposed against each motor vehicle for a single trip motor carrier fee trip permit a motor carrier fee of either:

1. $12 for fifty miles or less to be traveled on the highways of this state.

2. $48 for more than fifty miles to be traveled on the highways of this state.

B. A single trip motor carrier fee trip permit:

1. Expires on the completion of the specific trip for which it is issued and applies only for a period of ninety-six hours after the time of issuance unless an extension of time is authorized by the director.

2. Is valid for a single trip for vehicles entering this state at Black Rock and exiting at Teec Nos Pos or entering this state at Teec Nos Pos and exiting at Black Rock even if the vehicles exit and reenter this state during the trip.

C. The director may authorize third parties to issue single trip motor carrier fee trip permits pursuant to this section in accordance with rules adopted by the director.

D. The director shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, fees collected pursuant to this section at ports of entry on the border between this state and Mexico as follows:

1. Fifty-five percent in the state highway fund established by section 28-6991.

2. Forty-five percent in the Arizona highway patrol fund established by section 41-1752.