28-6999. Expenditure; appropriation limitation; violation; classification; civil action

A. Except for repayment of loan repayment agreements and interest on loan repayment agreements pursuant to section 28-7676, advances and interest on advances made to the department pursuant to section 28-7677, principal of and interest on board funding obligations delivered pursuant to section 28-7678 and bonds and obligations issued pursuant to chapter 21 of this title, the board and the director shall not make or authorize an expenditure for any purpose during a fiscal year in excess of the amount appropriated by the legislature for that purpose.

B. A member of the board or an employee or agent of the department who knowingly approves for expenditure or who knowingly causes to be expended any amount in violation of this section is both:

1. Guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.

2. Liable for the amount on the person's official bond to be recovered in a civil action in the name of this state brought by either:

(a) The attorney general.

(b) On the failure or refusal of the attorney general to act, any citizen of this state for the benefit of this state.