30-123. Development programs for utilization of power; use of state property; right of eminent domain

A. The authority shall formulate plans and development programs for the practical, equable and economical utilization of electric power placed under its supervision and control. The authority, subject to the provisions of this chapter, shall proceed to accomplish progressively and place the plans and programs in operation and effect. For such purpose the authority may exercise all or any of the powers and privileges granted by this chapter, singly or conjointly, severally independent or jointly with the United States or any department thereof, or with any person or operating unit, and may make application for, obtain, hold and use permits and licenses from the United States or any of its agencies for power sites, rights-of-way, rights and uses and other privileges. For such purpose the authority may make application, appropriations and filings under and in accordance with this chapter and title 45, chapter 1 for power in the same manner as any other qualified person or operating unit, but without payment of fees or charges for filing any maps, plans or other data in connection therewith.

B. The authority may use real property owned by this state, not dedicated to public use, that may be necessary as sites for any project, or facility or rights-of-way of the authority. When any lands or rights-of-way of this state dedicated to public use are necessary for the construction, operation or maintenance of the projects or transmission systems, such lands or rights-of-way may be used therefor but in accordance with the terms and conditions of an agreement to be first entered into between the authority and the political subdivision or agency having jurisdiction over or control and management of the land or rights-of-way.

C. The authority may acquire by lease, purchase or any other means, real property owned by the state or federal government and may dispose of such property by sale, lease or other means to persons engaged in projects deemed by the authority to be feasible for the production or storage of electric power or energy from solar, nuclear or geothermal energy, including projects for research and development in such fields.

D. The authority may exercise the privilege and right of eminent domain and may condemn private property for public use in the same manner and to the same extent as persons or operating units. Any property condemned, taken or appropriated under the provisions of this chapter is declared to be taken, condemned or appropriated for a public use.

E. A project, transmission system, work or facility shall not be constructed or otherwise acquired, unless and until after due consideration and investigation, it is determined by the authority to be feasible and economically sound, and that the project or facility will be self-financing and will be liquidated within a reasonable period of useful life as determined by the authority and until definite contracts or agreements are executed as provided by section 30-121.