31-255. Alcohol abuse treatment fund

A. The alcohol abuse treatment fund is established.

B. Notwithstanding section 31-254, the director of the state department of corrections shall deposit in the fund the lesser of sixty-seven per cent or fifty cents per hour of the monies earned by persons sentenced to the department pursuant to section 28-1381, 28-1382 or 28-1383 for work performed. The director shall deposit the remaining monies in the wage earning prisoner's spendable account. The director shall take the mandatory deductions pursuant to section 31-254.

C. Monies in the alcohol abuse treatment fund are subject to legislative appropriation to the department, and the director shall use the fund monies to provide alcohol abuse treatment and rehabilitation services to persons sentenced to the department pursuant to section 28-1381, 28-1382 or 28-1383 and to reduce the calculated cost of the per diem rate for treatment and rehabilitation services that are provided by a private prison authorized pursuant to section 41-1609.

D. Monies in the alcohol abuse treatment fund are exempt from section 35-190 relating to lapsing of appropriations.