32-557. Students; services for the public; notice; salary prohibited; price list

A. Students of a licensed school may render services to the public only under the direct supervision of a licensed instructor.

B. The following notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place within the school in letters large enough to be read across the length of the room: "School of (type of board-licensed school) — work done exclusively by students under the direct supervision of a licensed instructor."

C. A student in a school shall not receive a salary or commission from the school for any barbering, cosmetology, aesthetics, nail technology or hairstyling services while enrolled in the school as a student.  A student who is enrolled in a school for the purpose of becoming an instructor may be a paid employee of the school.

D. A school shall post a price list for services rendered to the public that is large enough to be easily read from a distance of ten feet.