32-2136. Broker management clinics

A. The department shall determine the instructor qualifications for teaching broker management clinics and the course content of broker management clinics for persons required to attend these clinics pursuant to subsection C of this section.

B. A broker management clinic shall consist of three courses of three hours each. The course topics shall be broker statute and rule requirements, including instruction on department audits, and the legal obligations of designated brokers, broker policy development and employee supervision and broker responsibilities and related topics. A broker management clinic shall address recordkeeping requirements, trust fund accounts, advertising and promotions, employment agreements, contracts, fiduciary duties, material disclosures, department investigations and risk management. A broker management clinic may be designed to address property management activities, a specialty field of real estate or sales activities, or any combination described in this subsection.  If engaging in property management activities, a broker must complete a broker management clinic that is designed to teach proficiency in property management.

C. An applicant for an original real estate broker's license shall attend a broker management clinic before activating the license.  A broker shall attend a broker management clinic before becoming a designated broker, unless the broker has attended a broker management clinic during the preceding twenty-three months.  All designated brokers and associate brokers employed by a designated broker pursuant to section 32-2151.01, subsection G shall attend a broker management clinic once during each twenty-four months of licensure after their initial attendance.

D. Attendance at a broker management clinic constitutes three courses of three hours each for a total of nine credit hours of real estate oriented education pursuant to section 32-2130, subsection A.