32-2194.03. Issuance or denial of certificate of authority; voidable sale; order prohibiting sale; investigations by commissioner; public hearings; summary orders

A. After examination of a cemetery application, the commissioner, unless there are grounds for denial, shall issue a certificate of authority authorizing the sale in this state of cemetery plots within the cemetery. The commissioner shall notify the department of health services when the commissioner issues a certificate of authority pursuant to this section.

B. The commissioner may deny issuance of a certificate of authority on any of the following grounds:

1. The applicant fails to comply with this article or the rules of the commissioner pertaining to this article.

2. The sale of plots within the cemetery would constitute misrepresentation to or deceit or fraud of the purchasers.

3. The applicant has procured or attempted to procure a certificate of authority under this chapter for itself or another by fraud, misrepresentation or deceit or by filing an original or renewal application which is false or misleading.

4. The applicant is unable to deliver title or other interest contracted for.

5. The applicant is unable to demonstrate that adequate financial or other arrangements acceptable to the commissioner have been made for installation of all off-site and other cemetery facilities.

6. The applicant fails to show that the plots can be used for the purpose for which they are offered.

7. The applicant fails to provide in the contract or other writing the use or uses for which the plots are offered, together with any covenants or conditions relative to such plots.

8. The applicant fails to include in the contract the disclosure provisions required as provided by section 32-2194.04.

9. The owner, the agent, an officer, a director or partner, a trust beneficiary holding ten percent or more beneficial interest or, if a corporation, any stockholder owning ten percent or more of the stock in such corporation has:

(a) Been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving fraud or dishonesty or involving conduct of any business or a transaction in real estate, cemetery property, timeshare intervals or membership camping campgrounds or contracts.

(b) Been permanently or temporarily enjoined by order, judgment or decree from engaging in or continuing any conduct or practice in connection with the sale or purchase of real estate or cemetery property, timeshare intervals, membership camping contracts or campgrounds, or securities or involving consumer fraud or the racketeering laws of this state.

(c) Had an administrative order entered against the applicant by a real estate regulatory agency or security regulatory agency.

(d) Had an adverse decision or judgment entered against the applicant involving fraud or dishonesty or involving the conduct of any business in or a transaction in real estate, cemetery property, timeshare intervals or membership camping campgrounds or contracts.

(e) Disregarded or violated any of the provisions of this chapter or the rules of the commissioner pertaining to this chapter.

(f) Participated in, operated or held an interest in any entity to which subdivision (b), (c), (d) or (e) of this paragraph applies.

10. The applicant fails to satisfy the commissioner that sufficient land has been dedicated for the operation of the cemetery to make it financially secure with respect to the trust fund requirements of this article.

C. A cemetery owner or operator shall not sell or offer for sale any plots without first obtaining a certificate of authority as provided in this section.  Any sale of plots before the issuance of the certificate of authority is voidable by the purchaser.  An action by the purchaser to void such a transaction shall be brought within three years after the date of execution of the purchase agreement by the purchaser.  In any such action, the prevailing party is entitled to reasonable attorney fees as determined by the court.

D. An applicant objecting to the denial of a certificate of authority by the commissioner, within thirty days after receipt of the order of denial, may file a written request for a hearing. The commissioner shall hold the hearing within twenty-five days after the request unless the party requesting the hearing requests a postponement.  If the hearing is not held within twenty-five days after the request for a hearing is received, plus the period of any such postponement, or if a proposed decision is not rendered within forty-five days after submission, the order of denial shall be rescinded and a certificate of authority shall be issued.

E. On the commissioner's own motion or if the commissioner has received a complaint and has satisfactory evidence that the cemetery owner or agent is violating any provision of this article or the rules of the commissioner or has engaged in any unlawful practice as defined in section 44-1522 with respect to the sale of cemetery plots or deviated from the conditions under which the certificate of authority was issued, the commissioner may investigate the cemetery project and examine the books and records of the cemetery owner or agent. For the purpose of examination, the cemetery owner or agent shall keep and maintain records of all sales transactions and monies the cemetery owner or agent received at the broker's main office or at an off-site storage location in this state if the owner or agent provides prior written notification of the street address of the off-site storage location to the department.  The cemetery owner or agent shall make the records accessible to the commissioner on reasonable notice and demand.

F. On the commissioner's own motion or if the commissioner has received a complaint and has satisfactory evidence that any of the grounds exist as provided in subsection B of this section or that any person has engaged in any unlawful practice as defined in section 44-1522 with respect to the sale of cemetery plots or has deviated from the conditions under which the certificate of authority was issued, before or after the commissioner issues the certificate of authority as provided in this section, the commissioner may conduct an investigation of such matter, issue a summary order as provided in section 32-2157, or hold a public hearing and, after the hearing, may issue such order or orders as the commissioner deems necessary to protect the public interest and ensure compliance with the law, rules or certificate of authority, or the commissioner may bring an action in any court of competent jurisdiction against the person to enjoin the person from continuing such a violation or engaging in a violation or doing any act or acts in furtherance of a violation. The court may make such orders or judgments, including the appointment of a receiver, that may be necessary to prevent the use or employment by a person of any unlawful practices or that may be necessary to restore to any person in interest any monies or property, real or personal, that may have been acquired by means of any practice declared to be unlawful in this article.

G. If it appears to the commissioner that a person has engaged in or is engaging in a practice declared to be unlawful by this article and that the person is concealing assets or has made arrangements to conceal assets or is about to leave this state, the commissioner may apply to the superior court, without notice, for an order appointing a receiver of the assets of the person or for a writ of ne exeat, or both.

H. The court on receipt of an application for the appointment of a receiver or for a writ of ne exeat, or both, shall examine the verified application of the commissioner and such other evidence that the commissioner may present to the court.  If satisfied that the interests of the public require the appointment of a receiver or the issuance of a writ of ne exeat without notice, the court shall issue an order appointing the receiver or issue the writ, or both. If the court determines that the interests of the public will not be harmed by the giving of notice, the court shall set a time for a hearing and require that the notice be given as the court deems satisfactory.

I. If the court appoints a receiver without notice, the court shall further direct that a copy of the order appointing a receiver be served on the person engaged in or engaging in a practice declared to be unlawful under this article by delivering the order to the last address of the person that is on file with the state real estate department.  The order shall inform the person that the person has the right to request a hearing within ten days after the date of the order, and if requested, the hearing shall be held within thirty days after the date of the order.