35-701. Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. "Corporation" means any corporation organized as an authority as provided in this chapter.

2. "Governing body" means:

(a) The board or body in which the general legislative powers of the municipality or the county are vested.

(b) The Arizona board of regents with respect to a corporation formed with the permission of the Arizona board of regents.

(c) The Arizona finance authority board of directors established by title 41, chapter 53, article 2.

3. "Income" means gross earnings from wages, salary, commissions, bonuses or tips from all jobs, net earnings from such person's or family's own nonfarm business, professional practice or partnership, and net earnings from such person's or family's own farm.  Income includes income, other than earnings, that consists of amounts received from social security or railroad retirement, interest, dividends, veterans payments, pensions and other regular payments, public assistance or welfare payments, including aid for dependent children, old age assistance and aid to the blind or persons with total disability, but excluding separate payments for hospital or other medical care.

4. "Manufactured house" means a structure that is manufactured in a factory after June 15, 1976, that is delivered to a homesite in more than one section and that is placed on a permanent foundation.  The dimensions of the completed house shall not be less than twenty feet by forty feet, the roof must be sloping, the siding and roofing must be the same as those found in site-built houses and the house must be eligible for thirty-year real estate mortgage financing.

5. "Municipality" or "county" means the Arizona finance authority, the Arizona board of regents or any incorporated city or town, including charter cities, or any county in this state in which a corporation may be organized and in which it is contemplated the corporation will function.

6. "Persons of low and moderate income" means, for the purposes of financing owner-occupied single family dwelling units in areas that the municipality has found, pursuant to section 36-1479, to be slum or blighted areas, as defined in section 36-1471, persons and families whose income does not exceed two and one-half times the median family income of this state. In all other areas it means persons and families whose income does not exceed one and one-half times the median family income of this state.

7. "Project" means any land, any building or any other improvement and all real and personal properties, including machinery and equipment whether or not now in existence or under construction and whether located within or without this state or the municipality or county approving the formation of the corporation, that are suitable for any of the following:

(a) With respect to a corporation formed with the permission of the Arizona finance authority, a municipality or a county other than the Arizona board of regents:

(i) Any enterprise for the manufacturing, processing or assembling of any agricultural or manufactured products.

(ii) Any commercial enterprise for the storing, warehousing, distributing or selling of products of agriculture, mining or industry, or of processes related thereto, including research and development.

(iii) A health care institution as defined in section 36-401.

(iv) Residential real property for dwelling units located within the municipality or county approving the formation of the corporation and, in the case of a county, whether or not also within a municipality that is within the county.

(v) Repairing or rehabilitating single family dwelling units or constructing or repairing residential fences and walls.

(vi) Convention or trade show facilities.

(vii) Airports, docks, wharves, mass commuting facilities, parking facilities or storage or training facilities directly related to any of the facilities as provided in this item.

(viii) Sewage or solid waste disposal facilities or facilities for the furnishing of electric energy, gas or water.

(ix) Industrial park facilities.

(x) Air or water pollution control facilities.

(xi) Any educational institution that is operated by a nonprofit educational organization that is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the United States internal revenue code and that is not otherwise funded by state monies, any educational institution or organization that is established under title 15, chapter 1, article 8 and that is owned by a nonprofit organization, any private nonsectarian school or any private nonsectarian organization established for the purpose of funding a career technical education district.

(xii) Research and development facilities.

(xiii) Any commercial enterprises, including facilities for manufacturing, office, recreational, hotel, motel and service uses.

(xiv) A child welfare agency, as defined in section 8-501, owned and operated by a nonprofit organization.

(xv) A transportation facility constructed or operated pursuant to title 28, chapter 22.

(xvi) A museum operated by a nonprofit organization.

(xvii) Facilities owned or operated by a nonprofit organization described in section 501(c) of the United States internal revenue code of 1986.

(xviii) New or existing correctional facilities within this state.

(b) With respect to a corporation formed with the permission of the Arizona board of regents, any facility consisting of classrooms, lecture halls or conference centers or any facility for research and development or for manufacturing, processing, assembling, marketing, storing and transferring items developed through or connected with research and development or in which the results of such research and development are utilized, but only if the facility is located in an area designated as a research park by the Arizona board of regents.

8. "Property" means any land, improvements thereon, buildings and any improvements thereto, machinery and equipment of any and all kinds necessary to a project and any other personal properties deemed necessary in connection with a project.

9. "Research park" means an area of land that has been designated by the Arizona board of regents as a research park for a university and that, at the date of designation, is owned by this state or by the Arizona board of regents.

10. "Single family dwelling unit" includes any new, used or manufactured house that meets the insuring requirements of the federal housing administration, the United States department of veterans affairs or any other insuring entity of the United States government or any private mortgage insurance or surety company that is approved by the federal home loan mortgage corporation or the federal national mortgage association.