36-141. Authority to contract and pay for alcohol and drug abuse services; services to pregnant women; priority

A. The director of the Arizona health care cost containment system administration is authorized to contract for the development and maintenance of alcohol and drug abuse services from monies available for such purpose with public or private agencies or organizations engaged in providing such preventive, rehabilitative and research services including educational, counseling and research activities directed toward preventing persons from becoming addicted to the excessive use of alcohol or other drugs and consultative services to relatives or other persons concerned with the care of persons addicted to the excessive use of alcohol or other drugs, in addition to detecting, counseling, referring, caring for and training those afflicted.

B. In allocating any new and existing undedicated monies available to the Arizona health care cost containment system for alcohol and substance abuse, the director of the Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall give priority to treatment services for pregnant abusers of alcohol and other drugs.