36-405.01. Health screening services; violation; classification

A. Health screening services shall be conducted in the following manner:

1. Health screening services shall be conducted under the direction of or, when required by good medical practice, under the supervision of a physician.

2. Any diagnosis of collected health-related data shall be performed by a physician.

3. Any examination of secretions, body fluids or excretions of the human body shall be performed pursuant to title 36, chapter 4.1.

4. Individuals may obtain health screening services on their own initiative.

5. Data given health-screened individuals shall be properly informative and not misleading.

6. Activities engaged in or materials used to educate, promote or otherwise solicit individuals to use health screening services shall not:

(a) Be misleading.

(b) Include the name of any physician, physician's office or clinic.

(c) Use or contain any language that directly or indirectly lauds the professional competence, skill or reputation of any physician.

7. A patient who is in need of medical care shall be informed that he should see a physician without referral to any particular physician.

B. The director may adopt such other regulations necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this section.

C. Physicians affiliated with health screening services shall continue to be bound by the laws and ethics governing their practice.  However, affiliation with health screening services conducted in conformity with this chapter shall not constitute a violation of such laws or ethics.

D. Health-screened individuals, with respect to their disclosures to and records with health screening services, shall have the same protections regarding privileged communication and the same rights to the possession and confidentiality of their records as are accorded by law to patients of physicians.

E. Health screening services shall be exempt from the provisions of articles 2 through 5 of this chapter.

F. Any person who conducts health screening services in violation of this section or in violation of any rule or regulation adopted by the director is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor. In addition, the director may exercise the same powers with respect to health screening services as are provided in section 36-427, subsection B with respect to licensed health care institutions.