36-447.01. Nursing care institutions; notification of services; screening; annual reviews

A. A nursing care institution, before admitting a patient, shall give the patient and his representative a booklet developed by the Arizona health care cost containment system administration pursuant to section 36-2936 that describes in clear and simple language the availability of services and benefits from the Arizona long-term care system pursuant to chapter 29, article 2 of this title. The booklet shall:

1. Explain the availability of preadmission screening that shall assess the functional, medical, nursing and social needs of the patient and make recommendations on services which meet the patient's needs as identified by the preadmission screening assessment.

2. Describe the availability of public and private services appropriate to meet the patient's needs in institutions and alternatives to institutions.

3. Explain financial eligibility standards for the Arizona long-term care system and its effect on separate and community property.

B. All nursing care institutions shall provide the booklet described in subsection A of this section to all of their existing patients who are not currently enrolled and receiving services pursuant to chapter 29, article 2 of this title or designated representative, regardless of the manner by which any patient's cost of care is paid.

C. A nursing care institution certified pursuant to title XIX of the social security act shall cooperate with the Arizona health care cost containment system administration in conducting preadmission screening and annual reviews pursuant to the omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1987 (P.L. 100-203) as amended by the medicare catastrophic coverage act of 1988.