36-572. Client developmental disability services trust fund; donation account 

A. A client with a developmental disability services trust fund is established.

B. The fund consists of donations and the proceeds of the sale or lease of the real property and buildings and improvements on the real property used by the department of economic security for the Arizona training program at Phoenix.

C. The proceeds of the sale or lease shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the client developmental disability services trust fund. The client developmental disability services trust fund is separate and apart from all other funds.

D. Monies in the client developmental disability services trust fund may only be spent for client services provided by the department of economic security and with the approval of the developmental disabilities advisory council. Those clients on the department's developmental disabilities waiting list shall also be included in these services as far as possible.

E. Expenditures from the client developmental disability services trust fund for the previous year shall be reported to the legislature in the course of the department of economic security's annual budget request.  The trust fund shall not be a factor to influence or diminish the annual appropriation to the department for client services.

F. The state treasurer shall invest and divest monies in the fund as provided by section 35-313, and monies earned from investment shall be credited to the fund.

G. Interest or other income derived from the client developmental disability services trust fund shall be used to enhance the services presently available to persons with developmental disabilities and to extend services to persons with developmental disabilities not presently served. Interest or other income derived from the client developmental disability services trust fund shall not be used to supplant general fund appropriations for developmental disabilities programs.

H. Donations directed to the client developmental disability services trust fund shall be deposited into the client developmental disability services trust fund donation account, and shall be used to enhance the services presently available to persons with developmental disabilities and to extend services to persons with developmental disabilities not presently served.  Donations received shall not be used to supplant general fund appropriations for developmental disabilities programs.  The developmental disabilities advisory council shall oversee and approve expenditures of the donations, pursuant to sections 35-149 and 36-553, for expenditures from the client with developmental disabilities services trust fund donation account.