36-883.05. Child care facilities; infants; floor bedding; requirements; emergency evacuation; notice; definitions

A. A child care facility that provides child care services utilizing the practice of a documented educational philosophy including least restrictive environment for infants and meets the requirements of this section may use floor bedding in the facility instead of cribs.

B. Floor bedding pursuant to subsection A of this section must meet all of the following requirements:

1. Be a mat that meets the following dimensions:

(a) Is not less than two inches and not more than three inches thick.

(b) Is not less than three feet and not more than four feet long.

(c) Is not less than two feet and not more than three feet wide.

2. Not be elevated or raised in any way.

3. Be covered with a waterproof and washable mattress pad, a washable zip cover and an individually assigned sheet.

4. Be assigned to an individual infant and not shared with another infant.

5. Be turned over at least once a week.

6. Be placed at least eighteen inches apart, eighteen inches from any wall and two feet from any other object.

7. Be placed on a floor that is vacuumed and sanitized every day and, if the floor is carpeted, is shampooed at least twice a month.

C. The ratio of staff members to resting infants in the resting area must be at least one staff member to every four infants.  A staff member in the resting area must be supervised for the first ninety days of employment to ensure the staff member's proper use of the floor bedding pursuant to this section. Any staff member in the resting area shall have current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid.

D. If an emergency requiring evacuation occurs, the infant nursery staff shall place the infants in an evacuation crib and move the infants in the crib to a designated evacuation assembly area.  Evacuation cribs must be stored not more than ten feet from the exterior exit.  If stored on the outside of the building, an evacuation crib must be protected from weather. On arrival at the designated evacuation assembly area, all infants must be physically accounted for against the sign-in log and the results reported to the director of the child care facility immediately.  The infant nursery supervisor is responsible for bringing all attendance sheets, child rosters and information sheets to the evacuation assembly area.  The child care facility staff shall take appropriate supplies during the evacuation to protect the children, if possible, during inclement weather.

E. A facility shall provide the department written notice thirty days before implementing the use of floor bedding pursuant to this section.

F. If a licensed facility does not comply with the requirements of this section, the department may require the installation of cribs.

G. For the purposes of this section:

1. "Infant" means either:

(a) A child who is twelve months or younger.

(b) A child who is eighteen months or younger if not walking.

2. "Resting area" means a space within the classroom that is separate from the activity area and that contains only the floor bedding, infants and staff members.