36-1321. Definitions
In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Discriminate" means taking or threatening any adverse action, including any of the following:
(a) Termination of employment.
(b) Transfer from current position.
(c) Demotion from current position.
(d) Adverse administrative action.
(e) Reassignment to a different shift or job title.
(f) Increased administrative duties.
(g) Refusal of staff privileges.
(h) Refusal of board certification.
(i) Reduction of wages, benefits or privileges.
(j) Refusal to award a grant, contract or other benefit.
(k) Refusal to provide residency training opportunities.
(l) Denial, suspension or revocation of a license.
(m) Impediments to creating, expanding or improving a health care entity.
(n) Impediments to acquiring or associating or merging with any other health care entity.
(o) Any other penalty or disciplinary or retaliatory action.
2. "Health care entity" means any of the following or an employee of any of the following:
(a) A health care institution as defined in section 36-401.
(b) A health professional as defined in section 32-3201.
(c) A health care services organization as defined in section 20-1051.
(d) A hospital service corporation or medical service corporation as defined in section 20-822.
(e) An accountable health plan as defined in section 20-2301.
3. "Person" includes this state and any agency or political subdivision of this state.