36-2219.01. Medical services enhancement fund

A. A medical services enhancement fund is established consisting of monies collected pursuant to section 12-116.02. The state treasurer shall administer the fund.

B. On the first day of each month, the state treasurer shall distribute or deposit:

1. Fourteen and two-tenths per cent in the substance abuse services fund established pursuant to section 36-2005.

2. Forty-eight and nine-tenths per cent in the emergency medical services operating fund established pursuant to section 36-2218 of which at least eight per cent shall be used for personnel expenses, education, training and equipment purchases in cities or towns with a population of less than ninety thousand persons according to the most recent United States decennial census.

3. Twenty-two per cent in the spinal and head injuries trust fund established pursuant to section 41-3203.

4. Nine and four-tenths per cent in a separate account of the substance abuse services fund established by section 36-2005 for use in administering the provisions of section 36-141.

5. Five and five-tenths per cent in the state general fund.

C. Monies distributed pursuant to subsection B of this section constitute a continuing appropriation.