36-2223. Stretcher vans; wheelchair vans; use; restrictions

A. A stretcher van may transport a person who:

1. Needs routine transportation to or from a medical appointment or service if that person is convalescent or otherwise nonambulatory and does not require medical monitoring en route to the destination facility, or aid, care or treatment during transport.

2. Is an inpatient at a facility and needs transportation to another hospital for diagnostic tests if that person's physician authorizes the use of a stretcher van.

B. A stretcher van or wheelchair van shall not transport a person who:

1. Is being administered intravenous fluids.

2. Was administered a medication that might prevent that person from caring for himself.

3. Needs or may need oxygen unless that person's physician has prescribed oxygen as a self-administered therapy.

4. Needs or may need suctioning.

5. Has sustained an injury and has not yet been evaluated by a physician.

6. Is experiencing an acute condition or the exacerbation of a chronic condition or a sudden injury or illness.

7. Needs to be transported from one hospital to another hospital if the destination hospital is the same level or a higher level as the hospital of origin.

8. Is being evaluated in an emergency room and for any reason must be transported to another hospital for diagnostic tests that are not available at the first hospital.

9. Is being medically monitored at the sending facility and will continue to be medically monitored at the destination facility.

C. A stretcher van or wheelchair van shall not contain medical equipment or supplies or display any marking, symbols or warning devices that imply that it offers medical care or ambulance transportation.

D. A stretcher van shall not respond or transport a person if the request for service originated within a public dispatch system.

E. An ambulance service that provides both ambulances and stretcher vans or wheelchair vans shall not use a registered ambulance in place of a stretcher van or wheelchair van if a stretcher van or wheelchair van is specifically requested or if a stretcher van or wheelchair van may be used but is not immediately available.

F. A person transporting patients in stretcher vans or wheelchair vans in violation of the criteria in subsection B of this section or operating in violation of subsection C of this section may be determined by the department after notice and a hearing pursuant to section 36-2245 to have operated an unregistered ambulance in violation of section 36-2212.