36-2959. Reimbursement rates; capitation rates; annual review

A. The department shall contract with an independent consulting firm for an annual study of the adequacy and appropriateness of title XIX reimbursement rates to service providers for the persons with developmental disabilities program of both the Arizona long-term care system and the state only program. The consultant shall also include a recommendation for annual inflationary costs.  Unless modified in response to federal or state law, the independent consulting firm shall include, in its recommendation, costs arising from amendments to existing contracts.  The department may require, and the department's contracted providers shall provide, financial data to the department in the format prescribed by the department to assist in the study. A complete study of reimbursement rates shall be completed no less than once every five years.

B. Capitation rate adjustments shall be limited to utilization of existing services and inflation unless policy changes, including creation or expansion of programs, have been approved by the legislature or are specifically required by federal law or court mandate.

C. The administration shall contract with an independent consulting firm for an annual study of the adequacy and appropriateness of title XIX reimbursement rates to service providers for the elderly and physical disability program of the Arizona long-term care system.  The administration may require, and the administration's contracted providers shall provide, financial data to the administration in the format prescribed by the administration to assist in the study. A complete study of reimbursement rates shall be completed no less than once every five years.  In determining the adequacy of the rates in the five year study, the consulting firm shall examine in detail the costs associated with the delivery of services, including programmatic, administrative and indirect costs in providing services in rural and urban Arizona.

D. The department and the administration shall provide each of their reports to the joint legislative budget committee and the administration by October 1 of each year. 

E. The department shall include the results of the study in its yearly capitation rate request to the administration.

F. If results of the study are not completely incorporated into the capitation rate, the administration shall provide a report to the joint legislative budget committee within thirty days of setting the final capitation rate, including reasons for differences between the rate and the study.