36-2999.51. Definitions
(Rpld. 10/1/31)
In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Continuing care retirement community" means an entity that provides nursing facility services and assisted living or independent living services on a contiguous campus that is either registered as a life care facility with the department of insurance and financial institutions or has assisted living and independent living beds in the aggregate that equal at least twice the number of nursing facility beds. For the purposes of this paragraph, "contiguous" means land that adjoins or touches the other property held by the same or a related organization and land divided by a public road.
2. "Fiscal year" means the period beginning on October 1 and ending on September 30.
3. "Medicare resident days" means resident days that are funded by the medicare program, a medicare advantage or special needs plan or the medicare hospice program.
4. "Net patient service revenue" means gross inpatient revenues from services that are provided to nursing facility patients minus reductions from gross inpatient revenue. For the purposes of this paragraph, inpatient revenues from services do not include nonpatient care revenues such as beauty and barber income, vending income, interest and contributions, revenues from the sale of meals and all outpatient revenues.
5. "Nursing facility" means a health care institution that provides inpatient beds or resident beds and nursing services to persons who need nursing services on a continuing basis but who do not require hospital care or direct daily care from a physician. Nursing facility does not include the Arizona veterans' homes.
6. "Reductions from gross inpatient revenue" includes bad debts, contractual adjustments, uncompensated care, administrative, courtesy and policy discounts, adjustments and other similar revenue deductions.
7. "Resident day" means a calendar day of care provided to a nursing facility resident, including the day of admission and excluding the day of discharge. Resident day includes a day on which a bed is held for a patient and for which the facility receives compensation for holding the bed.
8. "Upper payment limit" means the limitation established pursuant to 42 Code of Federal Regulations section 447.272 that disallows federal matching funds if a state medicaid agency pays certain classes of nursing facilities an aggregate amount for services that would exceed the amount that would be paid for the same services furnished by that class of nursing facilities under medicare payment principles.