36-3436.01. School-based behavioral health services; referrals; requirements; annual report

A. Before a school provides school-based referrals for behavioral health services to a contracted behavioral health services provider either pursuant to the children's behavioral health services fund established by section 36-3436 or for services provided through the Arizona health care cost containment system, the school district governing board or charter school governing body shall adopt policies relating to school-based referrals.  These policies shall be vetted at a public meeting in which the school district governing board or charter school governing body considers any comments submitted by the public before the governing board or governing body adopts the policies.  The school district governing board or charter school governing body shall post the polices adopted pursuant to this section on each applicable school website.  The policies shall include the following:

1. A process to allow a parent to annually opt into the school-based referrals.

2. A process to conduct a survey of parents whose children were referred to and received behavioral health services pursuant to this section.  The survey may be completed online.  The survey shall include at least the following:

(a) Whether the parent opted into the program.

(b) Whether the parent was notified before the referral took place.

(c) Whether the behavioral health services referred were appropriate to meet the student's need.

(d) Whether the parent is satisfied with the choice of behavioral health services providers.

(e) Whether the parent intends to opt into a program again in the following school year.

3. A requirement that each school's website contain a list of behavioral health services providers with whom the school contracts.

B. At the end of each school year, each participating school district and charter school shall report to the administration the school survey results.

C. The administration shall compile a report based on the surveys received from participating school districts and charter schools as well as utilization data for behavioral health services received pursuant to the children's behavioral health services fund established by section 36-3436.  On or before December 31 each year, the administration shall provide the report to the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives and provide a copy of the report to the secretary of state. The report shall include at least all of the following information:

1. The number of students served.

2. The types of behavioral health services provided.

3. The costs of the behavior health services provided.