37-286. Execution of leases by land department; covenants; assignment of lease by lessee

A. Leases shall be signed by the commissioner and sealed with the seal of the state land department, and shall contain covenants that the lessee will not permit any loss, cause any waste in or upon the land, or cut, waste or allow to be cut or wasted, any timber or standing trees thereon without written consent of the department, except for fuel for domestic uses, or for necessary improvements on the land, and that the lessee will surrender peaceable possession of the lands at the expiration of the lease. Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the cutting of saw timber for any purpose without the written consent of the department.

B. A lessee of state lands who is not in default in rent, and who has kept and performed all the conditions of his lease, may, with the written consent of the department, assign the lease, but a lessee who assigns a holding lease shall pay to the department one-half of the consideration received for the assignment.