37-334.01. Development plan for a master plan area

A. The commissioner may approve a development plan which includes a proposed master plan area if the proposed master plan area:

1. Is within the corporate boundaries of a city or town.

2. Has inadequate infrastructure to use state land for its highest and best use.

3. Has an area of at least one hundred sixty acres.

B. A development plan approved for a master plan area may propose:

1. Design guidelines and covenants, conditions and restrictions.

2. Infrastructure planning, implementation and funding.

3. Provisions for construction, maintenance and enforcement of a community identity package.

4. Phasing, timing and method of disposition and placement of infrastructure.

5. Conformance with municipal development ordinances, in addition to the requirements of section 37-335, subsections H and K.

6. Membership in a master property association that is governed by a board of directors with responsibility to implement and enforce compliance with the master plan area.

7. A marketing program description to promote the master plan area, including provisions to fund the marketing program.