38-765. Errors; benefit recomputation

If any change or error in the records results in any member or beneficiary receiving from ASRS more or less than the member or beneficiary would have been entitled to receive if the records had been correct, ASRS shall correct the error and as far as practicable shall adjust the payments in a manner so that the actuarial equivalent of the benefit to which the member or beneficiary was correctly entitled is paid. ASRS shall correct any change or error and shall pay the appropriate monies to a member or beneficiary or shall recover monies from the member or beneficiary if the member or beneficiary is overpaid.  ASRS shall recover monies by reducing any benefit otherwise payable by ASRS or the LTD program established by article 2.1 of this chapter to an active, inactive, person with a disability or retired member, survivor, contingent annuitant, beneficiary or alternate payee.