38-961. Public safety officer; duty-related injury; supplemental benefits plan; definitions


(Rpld. 10/1/25)


A. This state or a political subdivision of this state that employs a public safety employee on a full-time basis shall establish a supplemental benefits plan for a public safety employee who is injured while on duty to the extent that the public safety employee cannot perform the functions of the position. To become eligible for the supplemental benefits plan, the public safety employee must be receiving workers' compensation benefits pursuant to title 23, chapter 6. This state or a political subdivision of this state shall design the supplemental benefits plan so that, with the addition of other benefits being paid to the public safety employee pursuant to title 23, chapter 6, the public safety employee will receive approximately the identical base salary less the amount of taxes the public safety employee was paying.

B. If a public safety employee is accepted into the supplemental benefits plan, the public safety employee's employer shall continue to pay the employer portion of the health care benefits that was being paid to the public safety employee on the date of the employee's injury.

C. If a public safety employee is accepted into the supplemental benefits plan, the public safety employee's employer shall pay the employee contribution to the public safety personnel retirement system or corrections officer retirement plan, as applicable, and shall continue to pay the employer contribution to the respective retirement system or plan. The public safety employee is entitled to accrue credited service for the period of time enrolled in the supplemental benefits plan.

D. A public safety employee who is eligible for the supplemental benefits plan shall apply for benefits to this state or a political subdivision of this state. This state or a political subdivision of this state, on an individual basis, shall determine if the public safety employee is entitled to the benefits in the plan. This state or a political subdivision of this state may establish injury standards for eligibility into the plan that may include the exclusion of a public safety employee whose injury is a result of the public safety employee's gross negligence, or any other condition that this state or the political subdivision chooses to consider within the plan.

E. A public safety employee who is accepted into the plan shall comply with all risk management requirements, including evaluation for light duty options and rehabilitation programs. If a public safety employee fails to comply with risk management decisions, the public safety employee's participation in the supplemental benefits plan will be terminated. The public safety employee who is accepted into the plan is responsible for the public safety employee's portion of the health care benefit costs the public safety employee was paying on the date of the injury. The public safety employee remains responsible for any elective health care plan deductions, health related optional deductions or optional life insurance deductions.

F. If a public safety employee is accepted into the supplemental benefits plan, the public safety employee shall not accrue any additional sick or annual leave and any sick or annual leave amount on the public safety employee's account shall not be decreased while the public safety employee is participating in the plan.

G. A public safety employee who is accepted into the supplemental benefits plan is not precluded from disciplinary action, including termination of employment, pursuant to chapter 8 of this title or any agreements that supplant, revise or otherwise alter the provisions of this title, including preexisting agreements between the employer and the public safety employee's lawful representative association.

H. This section shall not supersede any plan or policy that provides a greater benefit being offered by this state or a political subdivision of this state to a public safety employee who is injured while on duty. This state or a political subdivision of this state shall offer the supplemental benefits plan for an initial six-month period.  This state or the political subdivision may determine if the plan shall be extended, on an individual basis, an additional six months, for a maximum of one year.

I. State employee appeals for denials for supplemental benefits are exempt from the hearing process set forth in title 41, chapter 6, article 10. For state employees exercising appeals for denial of supplemental benefits, the department of administration may establish an alternative appeal hearing process, including the requirement that parties agree to arbitration heard by the industrial commission pursuant to section 23-107, or an alternative procedure established by the Arizona department of administration. If the department of administration establishes an alternative hearing process for the denial of claims for supplemental benefits, the department may contract with another government agency or with a third party to conduct hearings of appeals pursuant to section 38-961. The department may specify by rule or administrative policy the scope of the program and the alternative hearing procedures.

J. The department of administration shall report by March 1 each year on the overall claim, appeal and payment history for state employee claims and appeals made pursuant to this section during the prior year.  The report shall include claims made and claims resolved.

K. For the purposes of this section:

1. "Member" includes a retired member of the public safety personnel retirement system who is a certified peace officer.

2. "Public safety employee" means:

(a) An individual who is a member of the public safety personnel retirement system or the corrections officer retirement plan.

(b) A probation officer, surveillance officer or juvenile detention officer who is employed by this state or a political subdivision of this state.