40-329. Power of commission to order connections and joint rates between telephone or telegraph companies

A. Whenever the commission finds that a physical connection can reasonably be made between the lines of two or more telephone or telegraph corporations to form a continuous line of communication, and that public convenience and necessity will be served thereby, or that two or more telegraph or telephone corporations have failed to establish joint rates, tolls or charges for service by or over their lines, and that a connection ought to be established, the commission may require that a connection and joint charges be made, except where the purpose of the connection is primarily to secure transmission of local messages or conversations between points within the same city, or town. The commission may also require that conversations be transmitted and messages transferred over such connections under rules and regulations the commission establishes.

B. If the telephone or telegraph corporations do not agree upon division of the cost of the physical connection, or the divisions of the joint charges established, the commission shall after further hearing establish the division by supplemental order.