40-856. Railroad police; powers; qualifications; liability of company

A. Any railroad company may appoint one or more persons to be designated by such railroad company as railroad police to aid and supplement the law enforcement agencies of this state in the protection of railroad property and the protection of the persons and property of railroad passengers and employees. While engaged in the conduct of this employment, each railroad policeman so appointed shall possess and exercise all law enforcement powers of peace officers in this state.

B. Any person appointed by a railroad company to act as a railroad policeman under the provision of subsection A of this section shall first have the minimum qualifications established for peace officers and police officers pursuant to section 41-1822. The railroad company shall file the name of each such railroad policeman, on the date of the peace officer's appointment, with the Arizona peace officer standards and training board. If the proposed railroad policeman meets the minimum qualifications established under section 41-1822, the Arizona peace officer standards and training board shall issue the appointee a certificate of authority to act as a peace officer and may thereafter revoke such certificate for good cause shown.

C. Each railroad company appointing any railroad police shall be liable for any and all acts of such railroad police within the scope of their employment. Neither the state nor any political subdivision shall be liable for any act or failure to act by any such railroad policeman.