40-1111. Definitions

In articles 2, 3 and 4, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. "Authority" means a metropolitan public transit authority organized under this article.

2. "Board" means the board of directors of a metropolitan public transit authority.

3. "Director" means a member of the board of directors.

4. "Metropolitan public transit authority" means a political subdivision organized solely to provide necessary plants, equipment, work instrumentalities, and real and personal property and rights thereto, which are used or useful for the transportation of passengers for hire on scheduled routes.

5. "Municipality" means any incorporated city or town.

6. "Operating area" means the area within which the authority provides transportation service, the boundaries of which shall be established in accordance with this article.

7. "Public agency" includes the state of Arizona and any county, city, town, district or other public agency or entity created under the laws of this state or the federal government.

8. "Public transit" means the local transportation of passengers and their incidental baggage on scheduled routes by means of a conveyance on an individual passenger fare-paying basis, and excluding transportation by a sightseeing bus, taxi or any vehicle not operated on a scheduled route basis. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit the authority from providing school bus services for transportation of pupils between their place of residence and school.