41-151.13. Records management officer; duties

A. The state library shall employ a records management officer who is responsible for the direction and control of the records management program. The records management officer, at the direction of the director, shall administer section 41-151.12.

B. The state library shall:

1. Through consultation and education, provide for an efficient and contemporary records management program using modern techniques to facilitate the efficient and economic creation, maintenance, control, retention and disposition of records.

2. Operate a records management center for maintaining and housing inactive nonarchival records.  The records management center is the only inactive records center operated by a state agency. State agencies may use other facilities for inactive records storage with prior approval of the director.

3. Establish standards and procedures for records accepted for storage.

4. Operate a secure vault as part of the records management center for housing and maintaining micrographic, machine read and selected essential records.

5. Operate a preservation imaging function that is responsible for:

(a) The efficient and coordinated use of micrographics and digital imaging equipment, techniques and personnel to achieve optimum quality, effectiveness and economy in the production of source document micrographics and digital imaging.

(b) Processing and duplicating microfilm produced by the preservation imaging operation and film produced by other agencies of this state.