41-191.09. Attorney general legal services cost allocation fund; contributions; exemptions

A. The attorney general legal services cost allocation fund is established for the purpose of reimbursing the department of law for general agency counsel.  Monies in the fund are subject to legislative appropriation.  The attorney general shall administer the fund.

B. Except as provided in subsection E of this section, each state agency or department may be charged for general agency counsel provided by the department of law. The amount, if any, shall be specified annually in the general appropriations act.

C. The funding sources for the monies to be deposited pursuant to this section may not include the state general fund, federal funds or other funds that are legally restricted from making such payments.

D. A claim for the legal services cost allocation payment shall be submitted according to the fund source to the department of administration for deposit in the attorney general legal services cost allocation fund.

E. The following agencies are exempt from this section:

1. The department of water resources.

2. The residential utility consumer office.

3. The industrial commission.

4. The universities and the Arizona board of regents.

5. The auditor general.

6. The corporation commission.

7. The office of the governor.

8. The department of law.

9. The house of representatives.

10. The senate.

11. The joint legislative budget committee.

12. The Arizona state library, archives and public records.

13. The legislative council.

14. The department of administration risk management fund.

15. The department of transportation.

16. The Arizona game and fish department.

17. The department of economic security.

18. The Arizona health care cost containment system.

19. The superior court.

20. The court of appeals.

21. The supreme court.

22. The Arizona department of agriculture and councils that receive administrative and budgetary services from the Arizona department of agriculture.

23. All self-supporting regulatory agencies as determined pursuant to section 35-143.01.

24. The Arizona commerce authority.

25. The department of child safety.

F. Monies in the attorney general legal services cost allocation fund are exempt from lapsing to the state general fund at the end of each fiscal year.