41-191.11. Child and family advocacy center fund; report

A. The child and family advocacy center fund is established consisting of monies appropriated to the fund and monies available to the fund from any other source. The attorney general shall administer the fund and may accept private grants, gifts, contributions and devises to be used for the purposes of this section. Monies in the fund are continuously appropriated.

B. The attorney general may use annually up to five percent of the monies in the fund for administrative costs and shall distribute the remainder of the fund monies to child and family advocacy centers that apply for funding and certify on a form provided by the attorney general that the centers meet the requirements of section 8-466.  The attorney general shall distribute the remainder as follows:

1. Five percent to a statewide membership organization that sets core standards for best practices and provides support and training to emerging and existing child and family advocacy centers and multidisciplinary teams.

2. Forty-seven and one-half percent equally among the child and family advocacy centers that meet the qualifications prescribed in this subsection.

3. Forty-seven and one-half percent to the child and family advocacy centers that meet the qualifications prescribed in this subsection based on each center's proportion of all victims served.

C. Within thirty days after the last day of each calendar quarter, the attorney general shall report to the joint legislative budget committee a summary of the quarterly and year-to-date expenditures, including the expenditure of any monies appropriated to the fund in a prior fiscal year.