41-610.02. Veteran suicide prevention training pilot program; annual report

(Rpld. 1/1/28)


A. The veteran suicide prevention training pilot program is established in the department to offer claims examiners and county and municipal veteran service offices specialized training and certification in preventing veteran suicides.

B. The department shall contract with an organization that has experience in developing and implementing veteran-relevant and evidence-based suicide prevention training to develop the training curriculum. The department shall establish and oversee the process for selecting program participants and certifying program participants who successfully complete veteran suicide prevention training.

C. The program shall train program participants to do the following:

1. Identify indicators of elevated suicide risk in veterans.

2. Provide emergency crisis referrals for veterans expressing or exhibiting symptoms of emotional or psychological distress.

D. The department shall adopt rules necessary to implement this section.

E. On or before July 30 each year, the department shall submit a report to the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives that includes information concerning the pilot program and whether any changes should be made to the pilot program to increase the program's effectiveness. In the department's final report, the department shall recommend whether the pilot program should be continued.